"Why Does God Manipulate Us?"

 Before diving into our main topic, I’d like to start by asking you this question: Do you think the devil is evil? If so, where, from whom, and how did we hear that he is evil? Let’s first examine how the devil was initially introduced to us with a negative label. In the Qur'an, we are constantly told that the devil is evil and that we must stay away from him, but we never questioned it; we never asked why he is evil. If we dig deeper into why he is considered evil, we are told it is because of his reaction to God, his distrust, and that he is even called a disbeliever. But in that case, wouldn't everyone who reacts against God also be a disbeliever? In Islam, a person is labeled as a disbeliever (kafir) in the following way: those who are thought to have left the religion by committing an act of disbelief or who were never Muslim are called disbelievers. However, the devil did not commit an act of disbelief; in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 34, it is mentioned that the devil’s name in Paradise was Azazel, and he was part of the Islamic faith. So why does the Qur'an place the label of disbeliever on the devil without a valid reason?

Now, let’s put aside everything that has been said and imagine someone created a religion and wrote a book about that religion. In that book, they referred to themselves as God and added mythical beings called angels as their helpers. They then thought to themselves: "Let me add another mythical being, one that doesn't exist, so that believers of this religion can blame their wrongdoings on this mythical figure." As I’ve mentioned in my other writings, the Qur'an is entirely fabricated, a myth written by people. God cannot be attributed with an evil nature; He should be a figure of goodness for everyone. But if He knows what we are going to do and can interfere with our actions or knows the bad events that will happen to us, then why does He let us commit evil knowingly? After all, God knows what we are going to do; He wrote our fate. Yet, when we commit evil, why does He put the blame on us and on the devil? After all, it was God who made us commit the evil. But who gets the blame? The devil and the one who committed the evil. So where is the good side of God in all of this? Nowhere. We believed that the devil was evil simply because God told us so, without questioning it. If you believe in the existence of God, you might have been subject to a great manipulation from the very beginning of your faith.

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