Existentialism and Deification

 Is God a being? Yes, the core of our discussion will revolve around this question. Before diving into the topic, let's first define God: God is usually described as the creator of everything, the source of the universe and life, and a sacred entity. Different religions and belief systems define and depict God in various ways. But in these religions and beliefs, God is often referred to as a being. However, if something is a being, it must be visible and tangible. If it does not exist, it simply does not exist. So, what do we call those things that do not exist? In fact, we don’t usually call them anything, because they form a structure in our minds but cannot be perceived by our senses. For example, imagine a table in the middle of an empty room with your eyes closed. This act of imagination is thinking about something that does not exist. So, how do we imagine something we have never seen? We envision God in our minds in the most perfect way, even though we have never seen Him. However, we don’t imagine God perfectly because God is perfect, but because we expect Him to be perfect, we imagine Him that way.

God should not be a being or a metaphysical entity. God should be a cause—a reason, such as the cause or coincidence that started evolution. Instead of being an entity, God should be a term. God is a term and a coincidence; when evolution started and the universe, the world, life, and humans came into existence, we humans gave this nameless coincidence the name "God." Just as we give a name to a nameless tree, we named the term "God" and turned it into something sacred. Religions were founded in God’s name, beliefs were formed, religious books were written, and all of this was done by us. We wanted to give meaning to the universe, evolution, life, and existence. And in doing so, we added meaning, but this meaning was altered over time and became confusing and contradictory.

As I mentioned, all of this ties back to existentialist theory. Without existence, there would be no evolution, no universe, no life. A being had to evolve for evolution to take place, and we gave names to all these meaningless terms. We say existence, but we have never addressed how existence came to be. In fact, existence is a concept derived from evolution. Lifeless objects that developed by chance, through mutations of atoms, cells, and bacteria, brought us to where we are today. We assigned names and attributes to everything, and we sanctified some of these terms, attributing them to a cause. This is how religions, beliefs, and the concept of God emerged. In reality, the only entity that truly holds sacred and perfect attributes is humankind. If there is a God, it is humanity, because the only being that gives meaning to life is the human being.

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