The Reason for Existence of Being?

 Why does existence exist? Is there anything other than nothingness? If there is something other than nothingness, is it matter or being? Existence is entirely a result of chance. As I mentioned, existence is something that emerged from the unintentional combination of matter and energy. If we are to answer the question, "Is there anything other than nothingness?" my response would be: If there is matter or a being, it exists; if not, it does not exist. And if something does not exist, it is always considered nonexistent until it comes into existence.

Now, if we ask, "If there is something other than nothingness, is it matter or being?" The existence of something outside matter or a being can never be sought because no principle or rule can be found for it. The reason for the existence of being is entirely simple: as I said before, everything is built upon chance and coincidence, and we called this "existence." Later, we tried to make sense of why existence exists, and many theories developed, with the theory of evolution being one of the most prominent. However, the reason for existence cannot be explained by evolution alone, because if the existence of something is dependent on another being, it cannot be the reason for existence itself.

The reason for existence is entirely based on chance and coincidence. Evolution itself developed through chance and randomness, which is why we attribute the "reason for existence" to coincidence.

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