"An Interest-Based Belief"

 Here’s the English translation of your text:


**A Belief Within Self-Interest**

The topic of belief or the understanding of religion is something everyone knows and thinks about a lot. The term "self-interest" is also familiar to everyone; it is a concept present in every aspect of our lives. Why do we live? Why were we created? Does God exist? These endless questions, which we often don’t want to answer, actually have answers—or at least, in my opinion, the answers to these questions can provide meaning to life itself. Yes, it sounds a bit strange, doesn’t it? After all, a seemingly simple concept adds meaning to all of life.

First, let’s consider the answer that existentialism provides. Existentialism examines why humans came to this world and who brought them here; it suggests that we were created or evolved based on the self-interest of a person or an abstract being. Yes, we have attributed the title of God to this being, but it cannot be concrete because no one can define God. According to this perspective, we came to this world or evolved based on God's self-interest.

You can think of it this way: Why does a worker work? To earn money, right? But why does the worker want to earn money? Because money is everything; it is the key to comfort and peace. Therefore, the worker wants to earn money. If there was no self-interest, why would this worker work? They wouldn’t, right? Their self-interest is to live comfortably, so they need to earn money, which is why they work. Similarly, God created or evolved us so that we may serve Him; in other words, we humans came to serve. This is also an answer to existentialism.

Now, let’s discuss the self-interest in God's existence. You might say, "If God is the owner of everything, why would He need service?" According to Islam, Adam, whom Muslims consider the first human, was created because Satan was cast out from heaven. We could say that God created Adam because He perceived betrayal instead of service from this being—hence, to receive service from Adam instead of Satan. Later, it is believed that God created Heaven and Hell to distinguish or punish good and evil, which indicates there is a consequence to self-interest.

Believers have faith without a personal benefit, yet all humans, in fact, everyone, operates within self-interest. Why does a believer believe? To go to Heaven, which is itself a form of self-interest. No one does anything without expecting something in return, because everyone lives for self-interest—even God lives for self-interest. For instance, an artist creates a painting and wants to sell or exhibit it; this is the artist's self-interest. Similarly, God created or evolved us and wants us to worship Him, which is also God's self-interest.

In short, self-interest is the fundamental reason for humanity or even for gods. I am writing this text for my own self-interest, and those reading it are also doing so for their own self-interest. Thus, self-interest is essential for life. Without it, humanity could not develop or evolve. For example, why did Thomas Edison invent the light bulb? To be superior to some others. If there were no self-interest, we would still be in darkness today.

Friends, self-interest is the underlying reason for everything. It applies to both good and evil. However, it is important to remember that even those who do evil do so for their own self-interest, and we should not assume that everything done is solely for self-interest.


If you need any adjustments or further assistance, feel free to ask!

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