Why Do People Believe in Things?

 First and foremost, we must acknowledge that humans are not weak beings. There is no entity in the universe superior to humans, yet for some reason, people are constantly in search of a higher being. This is much like searching for water in a desert. The gods that people have accepted as superior beings throughout history are, in a way, like a mirage seen in the desert—never real and never can be. But why is that? As I always say, gods or deities are not concrete beings, and no entity that is not concrete can be classified as a being. If a god must be sought, that god is not far away. Those who seek God are, in fact, God themselves. As I’ve said, every person is their own god.

What Do We Expect From the Attribute of God?

We have a certain set of expectations from the concept of God: we expect a creator, someone who brought us into existence, someone who put the universe in order, gave us a purpose, and when we die, would grant us a paradise—an eternal utopia of peace called Heaven. But we are not even aware that we are deceiving ourselves. As I said, places called Heaven and Hell are essentially utopias. They are fictional, imaginary places created by humans to give meaning to why we strive in this world and to satisfy our desires. Likewise, God is similar. Since ancient times, people have used the concept of God to attribute meaning to these desires for a higher power. In reality, nothing can be superior to humans. Those who claim the status of prophets are simply people who suffer from a power complex. Humans have used the concept of God to acquire power and labeled themselves as messengers of God.

In essence, the belief in a higher power and the concept of Heaven and Hell are constructs made to fill a void and provide a sense of purpose. People project their desires for a greater meaning onto these ideas, not realizing that they themselves hold the power they attribute to a god. Humans have always sought ways to elevate their understanding of the universe, but in doing so, they often overlook their own capabilities and significance. The divine attributes we seek can be found within us, as we are the ones who give life meaning.

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